#005 Learn And Master The Mental Game of Selling

There are rules created by humans, and rules created by the universe. The difference between the two is the latter doesn’t bend, it doesn't

#005 Learn And Master The Mental Game of Selling


Read time - 5 min


There are rules created by humans, and rules created by the universe. The difference between the two is the latter doesn’t bend, it doesn't change, it is absolute. If you want to be great. If you want to be unfuckwithable - adhere to the rules of the universe. When you fully grasp this idea, life becomes a dance, a playground.


What do I mean by this?


Life is malleable. Your thoughts become words, your words become actions, your actions become your experience, your experience becomes your life. Observe the garbage that goes through your head on a daily basis and you’ll be amazed.


Most people, including myself walk around with limited beliefs. Different ideas, both consciously and subconsciously that find their way into every aspect of life. These beliefs will either move you forward or backwards.


In this issue I’m going to talk about the most overlooked part of selling. The mental game. If you master this component. Every setback, every heartache, every fear will be made right. The dots will connect. You will be a force to be reckoned with.


When You Step Into The Sales Arena There is No Lying. You Will be Exposed For Everything You Are, And Everything You Are Not.


I’ve been fortunate to work with and learn from some brilliant individuals.

There are 3 distinct characteristics I've observed in these individuals.

  1. They’re a 100% accountable and responsible for their actions.

  2. They have intense focus and a willingness to endure massive suffering.

  3. An innate ability to bend reality to reflect their desired outcomes.


Let’s unpack this…



I, like many people have suffered my fair share of early childhood trauma. It took me years of understanding, therapy and self reflection to come to terms with it. But once I accepted it, and forgave those responsible, that same energy that used to deplete me, began to empower me. When you go through the fire and come out the other side there is something very real that happens. I realized that no one was coming to save me. Only I could. I became 100% accountable. There will be many situations in life that are outside of my control. It’s not what happens, it’s how I respond to what happens that I’m responsible for. That is 100% on me. Be accountable, and be responsible.


Focus / Suffering

If fortune favors the bold, than success favors clarity. When you are clear on what it is that you want - it will come. You will be tested. It wants to know what you are prepared to do in order to achieve it, but if you stay the course, it will come. There is real power in singleness of purpose. There’s real power when you burn the boats. It’s how you view and handle problems. When I was a stockbroker I knew in order to get 1 lead, I had to speak with 10 DM’s. That means I would get rejected 9 out of 10 times. I never chased leads. I chased the No’s. I needed 9 No’s until I got a yes. That’s what I chased. Look at things correctly. The sky is always blue behind the clouds.


Bending Reality

There is a real malleability to life. When you become crystal clear to what it is that you want, and are willing to go to any lengths to get it, something incredible happens. The right people come into your life. The right doors open up. The right opportunities fall into your lap. The universe will reconfigure itself to deliver what it is you desire. I don’t know how, but I know it’s true. I’ve seen it many times in my life. Conversely, if you haven’t learned the lesson it’s trying to teach you it will keep showing up in different people and different situations. I don't’ believe in luck. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in cause and effect. There is an underlying intelligence that governs the world. That intelligence wants the best for you, for all of us. Tap into it. This is why thoughts, focus and accountability are so important. Get clear on the outcomes you want, and pursue it with vigor.




How does this all tie into sales?

Sales is the business of rejection. It will show you how well you are able to deal with rejection, pressure, uncertainty and negotiation. It's a pressure cooker. And pressure creates diamonds, but it also breaks pipes. Your outcomes are contingent upon how resilient you are mentally. This is why I made the statement earlier, that there is no lying is sales. It will expose you. It will expose you mentally, for everything that you possess and everything you do not. This is why learning frameworks, role playing, practicing your pitch and getting it dialed in is critically important. Because success breeds success, and it will improve your mental game around selling. 


The Takeaway

Here's 3 practices that will greatly improve your mental game around selling.  

  1. Role play every day for 45-60 minutes with someone, preferably your co-founder. Go back and forth on the pitch in mock scenarios. Do this for 2 weeks every morning and it will change the game for you.

  2. Know all the objections that a prospect can throw at you and how to address them with complete confidence. 

  3. Practice tonality and enthusiasm when you pitch. You want to emphasize certain points of the presentation and fluctuate your voice throughout. Enthusiasm is infectious. You've built something. Most have put their sweat and tears into it. Convey that!


That all I got today.


See you all next week!




P.S. If interested in scheduling a call and learning more click here