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#26: The 3 Reasons Why People Buy Your Product (this solves 90% of problems)

#26: 3 Reasons Why People Buy Your Product (this solves 90% of problems)

Read time: 3 min

Today I’m going to discuss the three primary reasons on why people choose to buy your product.

Once you’re able to understand and begin incorporating this into your playbook, you’ll start to see why setting up your sales process in a deliberate way will remove pushback prospects throw at you during a buying journey.

What I often hear is founders asking me questions like, “Why do I need to set up a discovery and demo on separate calls - shouldn’t I just show them a demo on the call?” Or, “Isn’t speed and deal velocity what’s most important - I want to move these deals through the funnel as quickly as possible, right?” 

These are valid questions. However, there is more that needs to be understood, which I’ll unpack in this issue.

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

~Warren Buffett

There are 3 reasons why people say yes.

  1. They believe you’re competent.

  2. They believe you’re an authority.

  3. They believe you can deliver on expectation.

The goal is to understand these three and reverse engineer a process that delivers this experience through a customer buying journey.

Let’ take a look at each one and understand how it works.

People buy from you because they believe you’re competent. Being likeable and personable is a bonus, but at the end of the day if you don’t convey competency they will not buy. Competency is conveyed throughout the sales process. How you design and walk them through a process to address their individual needs is what gets them across the finish line. We are always trying to create a personalized buying experience — this is why doing a discovery and demo on one call does not adhere to this principle. When you do this you’re selling, not solving. People are not looking to be sold to, but to be understood and have their problems solved.

Authority is about understanding the problem you solve for deeply and being able to educate and speak about it with conviction and confidence. You articulate through a process how your product can solve their problems. It’s about controlling the conversation. People are coming to you because they have a problem. They’re expecting you to have a solution. Authority is what conveys this. People do business with other people they can learn, grow and become better from. You have to know the problem(s) that exist in the space and be able to demonstrate how your products eliminates them clearly.

Buyers have to believe that your product will deliver on expectation. If you’re selling a technical product, or piece of software - you will not be able to convey this on a demo without some sort of validation the product will deliver. This is the purpose of a POC (proof of concept). It’s designed to demonstrate to a prospect that your product can produce the desired results.

For those of you who are familiar with Rampd framework, or follow this newsletter you can see how we coach you on how to deliver this experience through a process. When you systematically close throughout the buying journey it makes it very difficult for a qualified prospect to say no.

Your goal should be to make it super easy for the prospect to say Yes.

That’s it for today folks.

See you all next week!


P.S. If you’re ready to level up you can book a call with me here.