#46: How To Close Deals With Confidence And Predictability

#46: How To Close Deals With Confidence And Predictability

Read Time: 4 min

New Cohort Announcement
The new founder-led sales cohorts will begin on May 2nd for the (B2B) cohort and May 4th for the (B2C) cohort. These accelerators are designed to help you build a fully fleshed and repeatable sales process that will allow you to close revenue predictably, validate your minimum viable product (MVP), identify your ideal customer profiles (ICP), and begin scaling your product. The framework you will learn applies to almost anything you sell and will pay massive compounding dividends for the rest of your career.

The accelerators fill up extremely fast. If you’re ready to level up, do not procrastinate. Go ahead and book a call with me here.

Today, I will discuss the talk track we use to help our clients present pricing, ask for orders, and close revenue confidently.

The most important part of any sales process is the close. Why? Because your close has to be delivered with clarity, conviction, and authority. This is where you are asking for their vote of confidence. They have to feel it. But the close will never materialize if the steps that precede the close aren’t executed correctly.

There is a science to presenting pricing, proposing the offer, and asking for the close. You have to nail this delivery. Many founders we work with drop the ball here, but with repetition and call review feedback, they learn the process quickly, and closing becomes predictable.

Closing is not the goal. It is the byproduct.

~Yours Truly

Let’s take a look at what we call the closing cadence. The closing cadence comprises 3 steps.

Step 1: Present different pricing tiers. People like options and variety, so your pricing should reflect how people like to buy products. I have found 3 tiers to be the sweet spot. You itemize the features or value props your product offers and then set up pricing. Your pricing should be designed to drive all the traffic to the middle plan (most popular). The reasoning is that most people don’t want the basic or the premium plan; they want the most value and the most economical. This should be communicated through the middle plan. Below is a screenshot of what this could look like.

Step 2: Presenting the offer. The offer is a way to get them onto a paid proof of concept (POC) as quickly as possible. You want them to touch and use the product fast. There’s friction that can prevent them from moving forward onto a paid POC, and that’s usually because there is risk associated with it. You eliminate risk by proposing an offer where you take on all the risk and guarantee results, or else you would return their money. There are various ways you can present an offer, but to keep things simple, let’s look at the screenshot example below.

Step 3: Closing. Closing here is about getting them to the next step. The next step is the scoping call. 95% of scoping calls should convert to paid POCs. And 90% of paid POCs should convert to fully onboarded customers. Your goal should always be to get them to a scoping call. Sometimes, a scope will be an unnecessary step, specifically if the deal size is small, but remember this. The more touchpoints you have with a prospect, the higher the chance they close. Yes, you want to optimize for sales cycle velocity, and the fastest way you do that is with a well-crafted process with multiple touch points.

Let’s look at how the closing cadence works when it’s all together.

Let me tell you how we partner up with you.

We have three plans, with our Professional plan being the most popular.

Basic Plan

Our first plan is what we call our Basic Plan. 

This is geared more toward those whose only focus is to __________. You’ve communicated to me that you’re looking to actively __________  and  __________, right? So, I don’t think this would be a good fit for you.

The Standard plan is $999 monthly.

Professional Plan

Next, we have the Professional Plan.

The professional plan is our most popular because it includes everything you need to __________.

Include in this plan is:

  • Insert value

  • Insert value

The Professional plan is $1,399 for the month.

Premium Plan

And lastly, we have the Premium Plan.

The premium includes everything that’s in the professional plan, but where it gets aggressive is it also includes:

  • Premium feature 1

  • Premium feature 2 

The Premium plan is $1,699 for the month.

Next Steps - PROPOSAL / OFFER 

Ok, to make you feel as comfortable as possible before committing to moving forward with (your company name), I’d like to present an offer to you guys in particular because we’re incredibly confident we can crush it for you. 

Our offer eliminates your downside risk and maximizes your upside potential. 


Would you like to hear it??!!


For a $1000 paid POC. We guarantee that we will ship new features 2x faster than your current times and reduce bugs found post-merge by 50%. If we can’t deliver on both promises, we will pay you back the $1000  for the inconvenience and allow you to use our platform for free for an additional 30 days.  It’s completely risk-free. We’ll take on all the risk.  

Once we can deliver here, I’d ask for two promises:

  1. To move forward with an annual agreement,

  2. Use your experience as a case study and share it with other potential customers.


If you work on the execution of this process and get it dialed in, you will be able to move deals through the funnel fast. You have to convey conviction, strength, and authority here. This begins with having a process and a talk track that allows you to begin stacking Ws. If you fail to do this correctly, the result is burning through good opportunities that should close. Rampd can help, but you have to want it.

That’s it for today, folks!

See you all next week.


P.S. If you’re ready to level up, you can book a call with me here