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#24: Win Back Lost Deals With These 3 Templates (or at least get a response)

#24: Win Back Lost Deals With These 3 Templates (or at least get a response)

Read time: 3 min

Today I’m going to discuss how to follow up by email in 3 different scenarios.

If you know how to follow up correctly with the right type of content and tone, your chances of them responding positively will increase significantly.

The problem I see on why clients don’t get the best response on email is because the messaging is weak and soft. When you say things like: “I hope you’re well, or I hope this email finds you well,” you are using weak language. 

People read this and brush it aside. It winds up in email purgatory. Once you understand how to command respect in the email with tone and content, you’ll see the difference in how they respond.

I’m going to breakdown 3 different use cases, and how to follow up on each.

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Scenario 1: Reignite Old Conversation. 
This email you’d send to older conversations where you were supposed to reconnect but for whatever reason it never materialized. Let’s take a look and breakdown the template.

Scenario 2: Ghosted Recapture Email
This email is to recapture a lead who you’ve had a previous conversation with, but for whatever reason ghosted. Let’s take a look and breakdown the template.

Scenario 3: Never Heard Back Post Demo
This email is to convey assertiveness with tone. You’re essentially asking them to provide some color on why they never followed up. Let’s take a look and breakdown the template.

Key Takeaway
- Your email content is either conveying strength or weakness.
- Use direct and assertive language in your email.
- Remove weak language.
- Stop being nice.

That’s all for today folks.

See you all next week!


P.S. If you’re ready to level up you can book an intro call with me here